Finance, Budget, Ways and Means Committee

This ministry team will consist of:

      A Chairperson (appointed from among the elected board members)

      The lead pastor

      The church treasurer

      Up to two other members (appointed by the church board)

Responsibilities include:

      Developing and monitoring of the church budget

      Oversight of the treasurer’s reports and offering guidance to the board regarding Godly financial accounting and stewardship.

      Promoting congregational stewardship including tithes and offerings, financial stewardship of life, promotion of gifts and bequests to the church.

      Development of ways and means for funding special projects in and through the church in accordance with the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene.

      Directing an annual audit of all church accounts takes place in harmony with the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene. 

Personnel and Pastoral Relations Committee

Personnel and Pastoral Relations

Approved by the board on 08/15/2022

This ministry team will consist of:

  •       A chairman (appointed from among elected board members)
  •       The church board secretary
  •       The lead pastor
  •       Up to five additional members (appointed by the church board)

Responsibilities include:

  •  Providing for Pulpit Supply (in the absence of the lead pastor in consultation with the Church Board Secretary and the District Superintendent) The Lead Pastor will typically take care of Pulpit Supply.
  •  Caring for the Pastoral/Administrative Staff throughout the year. This can be accomplished by providing for times of celebration of special occasions for the pastor(s) and their families. The list of special occasions is located in the Church Board Policies book (in the board room)
  •         Proactively initiating times of personal renewal for the pastor(s) this can include the District Annual Leadership Retreat, participation in conferences, continuing education, and sabbatical leave as provided for by the Manual.
  • Overseeing all paid employees Receiving evaluation/review summaries of Pastoral/Administrative Staff and recommending for rehire annually.
  • Interviewing candidates who have been recommended to the board and hiring new paid employees when needed in the absence of a lead pastor.
  • Works together with the Finance Committee on any funds needing to be expensed.

Buildings, Grounds, Properties, and Vehicles

Buildings, Grounds, Properties, and Vehicles:

This ministry team will be comprised of a chairman who shall be a member of the elected church board, the lead pastor, and up to six additional members appointed by the church board.

Responsibilities would include:

  • 1.   Providing for the care and maintenance of all church properties and grounds including the parsonage.
  • 2.   Giving supervision to church custodian(s) and maintenance worker(s).
  • 3.   Recommending to the board when professional services are required for maintenance or repair and providing oversight of such services.
  • 4.   Performing annual audits of church properties and equipment for needed maintenance and replacements.
  • 5.   Developing a plan for performing and funding major maintenance items.
  • 6.   Providing for the cleaning and maintenance of church vehicles and for oversight of church vehicle needs including needed replacement and ensuring roadworthiness of vehicles and qualified drivers.

Spiritual Life and Christian Action


Approved by the church board 08/15/2022

This ministry team will consist of

  •       A chairman (appointed from among elected board members)
  •        The lead pastor,
  •        The director of worship, head greeter, head usher
  •        Up to five additional members appointed by the church board.

Responsibilities would include:

  • Giving oversight to times of congregational spiritual renewal such as revivals, retreats, special services, and prayer emphases.
    • In the absence of a Lead Pastor,  the SLCA, will establish, contact, and be responsible to develop spiritual renewal programs.
    • The Lead pastor is given grace to work without the involvement of the Ministry Team as to securing evangelists and teachers with the approval of the church board.
    • The SLCA will help to carry out those programs that the lead pastor has established.
    • The Lead pastor will have authority to determine with or without the SLCA team negotiations as to contracts and/or remuneration for guest.
  • Maintaining and promoting a program for constant and faithful prayer within the congregation in conjunction with the Prayer and Pastoral Care Ministries Pastor.
    • There should be as many ways as possible to incorporate prayer into the daily lives of the people of the church.
    • Special Prayer Programs should be established by the SLCA in conjunction with the Lead Pastor.
  • Oversight of Usher and Greeter ministry.
    • Training is to be provided for those in this ministry at the beginning of each new church year.
    • The lead usher or greeter should be responsible to have people in place for each service.
    •  The ushers and greeters should meet quarterly for continued training and updates.

  • Directing the congregation in areas of ministry to the broader community including involvement in ministries of compassion and service to the community including items such as blood drives, social concern support and involvement, compassionate ministries(eg. Operation Christmas Child), not otherwise provided for through NMI, and specific support for local ministries of compassion.
    • The SLCA team should recommend to the church body as many of the ‘community’ projects to be involved in during the church year such as the city-wide prayer walk, See You at the Pole, National Day of Prayer, Right to Life Sunday, etc.

Membership and Congregational Life

Membership and Congregational Life

This ministry team will consist of:

  •       A chairman (appointed from among elected board members)
  •       The lead pastor
  •       Up to five additional members (appointed by the church board).


Responsibilities include:

  •       Reviewing and approving membership applications
  •       Preparing Communion elements for Worship Services
  •       Proactively providing hospitality in the following areas:
  •  church showers
  • special receptions,
  • funeral dinners. (A hospitality sub-committee may be established to assist in these events).
  •       Provide oversight to congregational health and safety. (A sub-committee may be established to assist in this area).